[asapmembers] Arecibo Science Advocacy Partnership Update from the ASAP Board

ASAP Secretary secretary at areciboscience.org
Mon Jan 16 18:57:34 UTC 2023

Dear ASAP member,

The ASAP Board would like to wish you a happy new year!  To improve our communications with the members this year, we are planning to revive the Arecibo Support Slack channel. Many of you are already members of the channel, but if you have dropped out or wish to join as a fully new member, you can do so through this link:

This year ASAP is also soliciting donations to support the advocacy work we do in favor of the Arecibo Observatory. Our goals are that scientific work, and the maintenance and development of the existing research infrastructure, continues at the new Arecibo Center for STEM Education and Research (ACSER): 



and that plans for a new and improved radar and radio telescope on site to replace the collapsed 305-m William E. Gordon receive funding – first, for engineering studies, then for construction.  ASAP previously had a membership fee of $50 ($70 if corrected for inflation) but now relies only on your donations.  Anyone who wishes to donate to support ASAP can do so at the ASAP GoFundMe site: 


Donations will be used primarily for reimbursing travel costs for advocacy trips to Washington, D.C.  Some members of Congress have already called for the NSF to revise their plan for Arecibo to not exclude research and technology from the site, where many of the stand-alone instruments, and much of the low-frequency radio infrastructure, are undamaged.  However, further advocacy is required to ensure that this message is heard by Congress and by NSF, and, when engineering studies are complete, to request funding from Congress for building a new Arecibo telescope.  A minor part may also be used for other advocacy-related purposes and/or administrative costs, such as the upkeep of our areciboscience.org website. 

Third, the ASAP Board offers its scientific expertise in radio astronomy, planetary radar, and space and atmospheric sciences in support of proposals for the new ACSER.  We wish to ensure better opportunities for the continuation of science and research in the new education-focused facility.  If you or your institute is planning to submit a proposal to the NSF’s solicitation, feel free to reach out to secretary at areciboscience.org if you would like our contribution to the proposal!



Best wishes for the new year,


The ASAP Board

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