[asapmembers] ASAP Letter to NSF and Membership Request

ASAP Secretary secretary at areciboscience.org
Mon Mar 11 21:55:01 UTC 2024

Dear ASAP member,


In the last ASAP members meeting on February 28th, we had some lively discussion about the concerns regarding the decommissioned Arecibo Observatory and its transition to an educational facility, including the access to the data (now hosted at TACC), and which instruments are still potentially available for later use. The ASAP Chair reached out to NSF regarding the latter question on Feb 27th, and while she received an acknowledgement of the email having been received, there has been no further correspondence in 11 days. 


A group of ASAP members have drafted this letter, which they invite you to sign by March 13th. The letter is addressed to a large number of NSF officers, adding pressure for NSF to provide information on the Observatory.


We also discussed the approaching Board election. Unfortunately, not enough candidates have volunteered to serve in the Board so far, which has caused a delay to the election. If not enough volunteers step up, ASAP may be unable to efficiently carry out key tasks. Therefore, it is crucial that everyone pay the membership dues, volunteer for the Board, and encourage colleagues and friends to do so as well. This will allow ASAP to maintain effective operations. No academic degree is required for volunteering for the ASAP Board but anyone who believes in the future of science at Arecibo is welcome to serve in the Board.


If you haven't done so already, please visit areciboscience.org, scroll down to "Join us" and fill the form and pay through Donate. The minimum fee has been set to an accessible level for anyone to join, at only $15.





Link to letter:


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