[asapmembers] Arecibo Community Membership Survey

Joanna Rankin Joanna.Rankin at uvm.edu
Wed Dec 2 16:33:28 UTC 2020

Dear Community Members,
Thank you for your support of Arecibo and its broad community.  Some or most
of you have participated in the Arecibo Vigils over the last weeks, and it has been a
consolation and moving experience to witness the Arecibo community reassembling
in this time of crisis and loss.
Calls to participate in these vigils have used a hodgepodge of lists I happened
to have as well as the ASAP lists.  I am sure that these have been very incomplete,
and I can only apologize to all the people these calls have missed.
However, working together we can now begin to repair the omissions.   Please
find a link below to a form that requests your contacts and some other information.
Rest assured that your responses will be kept confidential and only used for purposes
of contacting you as a part of the Arecibo community.  We may transition to using the
structure of the now defunct Arecibo Science Advocacy Partnership as our organizing
vehicle, but this has to be a community decision.
For now, please complete the form ASAP yourself, and then email it to anyone
and everyone in your own Arecibo Community circle to make sure that it reached all
the Arecibo supporters who would want to be involved.  This surely means AO staff
past and present, colleagues and students, but it also means anyone and everyone
who feels a connection to the Observatory and its community.  There is space on the
form for people to describe their own connections to Arecibo.
I have Melissa-Cristina Marquez's Twitter message on #WhatAreciboMeansToMe
very much in mind "It was more than a telescope to me.  It was a beacon of hope that
things and people made in Puerto Rico could thrive on the world stage.  Arecibo showed
me that we mattered.  I am so so proud of this telescope and all it represents.  My heart
is broken.”   She and so many others are also a part of our community.  Please help find
them and include them?

Very best regards and many thanks,
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