[asapmembers] Reminder, Friends of Arecibo Meeting today, 4 pm

Joanna Rankin Joanna.Rankin at uvm.edu
Thu Dec 3 17:53:59 UTC 2020

Dear All,
As agreed we will meeting again today, Tuesday, Dec. 3 at 4 pm ET, and
meetings are proposed on a TTh schedule into next week as needed.  We need
to decide on the schedule thereafter through the holiday season.

Please see the link and call-in number just below.

If you have not yet participated in the Arecibo Community Survey, please do so now.

Best regards and thanks,

Video link for Tuesdays and Thursdays going forward (no meeting 11/26):
call-in number: +13462487799,,89228635901#
(no password; screen sharing is enabled and everyone is muted by default upon joining)

Proposed agenda for Thursday
Friends of Arecibo Agenda 12/03/2020

Update (20 mins)

Suggested Breakout Groups / Team Formation (45 mins)
Making the Case – White Paper Draft, documenting importance to people
    scientists, students, teachers, public, etc
Arecibo 2.0 Design – Review Futures Conference ideas,
    Identify and draw up basic design needs for radio, radar, ionosphere
    Identify top experts as consultants
Advocacy – with Congress, White House, NSF, NSB, others
Publicity and Outreach – to media as well as our community, PR

Breakout Groups report back (15 mins)
What are immediate and longer term goals?
Who agreed to be the team leader?
Where are the group’s minutes posted?

Meeting schedule through January 15 (10 mins)
    Dec. 8,10, then weekly on Tuesdays?

Working groups set other meetings as needed?

Other business?

Suggestion for Small Groups
     Appoint a convenor to facilitate as needed
     Someone please volunteer to take notes on a google doc
     What are the three most important immediate goals?  Who will do them and when?
     What are our group's three most important goals for 2021?
     Identify a team leader who will convene the group and make sure the work gets done
     Youngest person will report 3 minutes of highlights
            (Send google doc reference to sondy at sondy.com<mailto:sondy at sondy.com>)

New petition to White House initiated by Puerto Rican scientists and others to #RebuildTheAreciboObservatory at https://petitions.whitehouse.gov/petition/rebuild-arecibo-observatory

Op-Ed in Wired published today<https://www.wired.com/preview/story/5fc7f34bd840498ab676cf50?status=draft&t=1606952485706>

Arecibo's greatest (Top 10 + Top 3 recent) achievements per science branch, that we can share with reporters and the general public. Arecibo's legacy needs to be accessible and clear to everyone now more than ever. I hope thinking of the glory of the past will also inspire everyone for future ideas. Edit the list here:

There is a Slack for discussion between meetings, sharing images/developments, and to come up with focused actions.

There are two petitions circulating, information is from Allison Smith, AO staff:
The petitions below were started by the general public & UPR students-- staff are supporting it. Jenniffer Gonzalez also requested the House & Senate Appropriations Committee to provide funds for repairs so it could help to write, call, urge the committee to approve it. Or contact them with different requests on AOs behalf.
Petition to NSF to stabilize and fix the observatory: (started by someone we don't know!)
Petition to congress to provide funds and enforce emergency action: (started by UPR students)
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