[asapmembers] Reminder: Vigil for Arecibo today, Nov. 19

Joanna Rankin Joanna.Rankin at uvm.edu
Thu Nov 19 20:35:38 UTC 2020

Dear Friends and Colleagues,
Thanks to all of you who have joined our vigils for Arecibo.  What
a lovely show of support for the Observatory these meeting have been
as Arecibo users. staff and supporters have joined to seek and share
So please find below the link (courtesy of Chris and Tapasi) for
today, Nov. 19, 4 pm ET
Please also share the link as far and wide as you think of people who
would want to know about it.  I have no comprehensive list apart from
those who have emailed me asking to be included. (I have used several
lists I had at hand, so you may get the message more than once.)
Today we learn and come to terms with the NSF recommendation
for the Observatory:  Decommissioning.
Also Sondy Springmann suggests we use the following slack link to share
Please join as you wish to.  We will meet for as short or as long a
time as needed or wanted.  Given the situation, we will probably plan
further meetings next week.
Please see the zoom link below which we will use not from here on.

Best regards, Joanna

link:  https://zoom.us/j/8516567768
pswd:  calcutta71
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