[asapmembers] SAVE THE DATE Thurs., Nov. 4th 12 pm ET: ASAP Lecture/Discussion "The Arecibo Collapse: Impact on the Health of Its Science Communities" — A Panel Discussion

secretary at areciboscience.org secretary at areciboscience.org
Fri Oct 29 18:09:21 UTC 2021

Dear Colleagues,
	Please save the date—
		Lecture/Discussion: Thurs., 4th November, 12 noon ET
		The Arecibo Collapse: Impact on the Health of Its Science Communities
		A Panel Discussion moderated by Prof. Nicole Lloyd-Ronning

A panel discussion to explore the impact of the Arecibo collapse on the professional careers of young scientists 
and Puerto Rican radio scientists, and how it could affect the future of the Arecibo single-dish radar and receiver 
technology expertise in the US.
“Many of us watched a huge part of our professional careers come crashing down that fateful day last December..”
			—Ed Rivera and Patrick Taylor
Abstract:  The recent collapse of the Arecibo platform means that we lost the most sensitive planetary and aeronomy 
radars and RF receivers for astronomy.  In the last few years, many Arecibo breakthroughs were emerging like the 
NEO characterizations, FRB and gravity waves observations, the rotation of the electrons around the Earth’s magnetic 
field, and the Space Plasma Laboratory.  Most of these unique observations/experiments were only possible at Arecibo.  
The absence of the Radio Telescope is significantly impacting the Arecibo researcher community, especially those 
who were trained to design or operate the multiple RF instruments, were developing new Arecibo techniques, or 
who had based their research exclusively around the Arecibo telescope.  In this “Lunch series,” we intend to begin 
a candid discussion about the impacts on the professional lives of Arecibo researchers and assess the larger impacts 
on the possible loss of knowledge as many scientists and engineers are beginning to re-orientate their careers.   
The panel includes active Arecibo users at the time of the collapse.  		

This event is a further in the series of ASAP “lunchtime” talks/discussions exploring issues and proposals pertinent 
to Arecibo’s future.  Recordings of the earlier talks can be found on the areciboscience.org <http://areciboscience.org/> website.

	Please reserve the date.  And look for a zoom link that we will send about 12-24 hours before the event.
		Best regards and wishes,
			ASAP Secretary


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