Talks and Videos on Arecibos

Recent ASAP Lunch-time Talks

July 2nd, 2024.
Paying Tribute to Arecibo Observatory, a Legacy Beyond Science
By Luisa Fernanda Zambrano Marin (University of Central Florida)

The Arecibo Observatory stands as an iconic symbol of scientific exploration and discovery. Throughout its history, the observatory made significant contributions to our understanding of celestial bodies within and outside of our solar system, revolutionizing our knowledge through its multidisciplinary approach. But who are the people that made Arecibo? Who were the pioneers that set the foundation for this facility? We want to honor and recognize the people, the observers, the technicians, engineers, and staff; the dedicated individuals who made it a center of excellence. The legacy of the Arecibo Observatory will forever be etched in the annals of scientific achievement, because of its people.

Slides are available here.
